Pacific national university Main page Bulletin of Pacific national university

UDC 316.52:656.132.072(-201)

© Deripas A. Y., 2007

The municipal passenger motor transport: problems and resolutions

The report deals with the problem of running the municipal passenger motor transport in the time of economic reforms in the country. The current changes have been assessed, the ways for further improvement of the intercity passenger motor transport management have been proposed.


  1. Volod`kin P. P. Problemy upravleniya i reformirovaniya deyatel`nosti gorodskogo passazhirskogo transporta v usloviyakh ogranichennogo finansirovaniya. Habarovsk, 2002.
  2. Gudkov V. A. Passazhirskie avtomobil`nye perevozki. M., 2006.

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