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UDC 621.436:656.6.001.24

© Ivanova A. P., 2006

Gothic in the far east; diffusion of the medieval themes and the brick style (stylistic analysis of the trade companies buildings in the late ХIХ-early ХХ- s)

In the Far East "neo-gothic" elements, organically integrated in the "brick style", were most widely applied in "garrison architecture" (Khabarovsk, Razdol’noe, Novokievskoye, Spassk-Dalniy), in design of private residences, and also, to a less degree, in some utilitarian structures: blockhouses, warehouses, refrigerators, industrial buildings, water-towers at railroad stations and small houses of trackmen. It is necessary to note, that there were almost no trade buildings, similar to gothic style" in the Priamurskiy territory. Apparently, the associations emerging due to this prototype-style did not correspond to the practical function of building designs.


  1. Kitner T. Kirpichnaya arkhitektura // Zodchiy. 1872. № 5.
  2. Ikonnikov A. V. Istorizm v arkhitekture. M., 1989.
  3. Pamyatniki istorii i kul`tury Primorskogo kraya. Materialy k svodu. Vladivostok, 1991.

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