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UDC 621.763:66.086.2/3

© Ivanov V. A., Zakharychev S. P., Tarasenko A. T., 2005

Structure research of antifriction polymer composition materials

The use of new materials in the friction units is one of the lines to increase vehicle reliability. These materials must possess the necessary high physicomechanical and special tribotechnical properties. The epoxy-fluorocarbon polymer having specific selflubrication property, have been called antifriction self-greased materials. The materials from epoxy-fluorine compositions considerable promise. The study of material’s structure has been conducted with the use of modern microscopy, which allows one to predict properties of materials and optimize technological processes.


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  5. Tarasenko A. T. Razrabotka, issledovanie i primenenie epoksidoftoroplastov i spetsial`nogo oborudovaniya dlya izgotovleniya samosmazyvayushchikhsya podshipnikov skol`zheniya: Avtoref. dis. … kand. tekhn. nauk. Komsomol`sk-na-Amure, 2005. 

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