Pacific national university Main page Bulletin of Pacific national university

UDC 550.34

© Andreyev A. I., 2008

Identification of places of gaseous radioactive product release from mountain rocks to the day surface with the use of a thermal anomaly in the epicentral zone of a nuclear explosion

Radiological consequences of underground nuclear explosions on the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Testside are considered. It is noted that permanent thermal effects, known as heat anomalies, reveal themselves on the territory belonging to the epicentral zone of the underground nuclear explosion. The link between the manifestation of heat anomalies and the release of gaseous radioactive products from mountain rocks to the day surface are discussed.


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  5. Andreev A. I. Anomal`naya termal`naya zona v rayone Semipalatin-skogo ispytatel`nogo poligona // Trudy 44-y Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii uchionykh transportnykh vuzov, inzhenernykh rabotnikov i predstaviteley akademicheskoy nauki 25-26 yanvarya 2006 g.  Habarovsk, 2006.

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