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UDC 336

© Mikhalev O. V., Kovalev A. I., 2009

Economic Stability of Enterprises and Credit Risks

The article analyzes the interrelations between credit risks of banks arising in the course of their relations with borrowers - the enterprises of real sector of economy, and economic (financial) position of these enterprises. By the example of the enterprises of Omskaya Oblast it is scientifically proved that lately there has been formed a new tendency of larger dependence of risks on economic stability of the borrower, rather than on quality of this position. Thereupon it is recommended to the credit institutions to deepen the analysis of borrowers by greater attention to a dynamic component, and to a regulator - to improve requirements to the credit institutions at formation of reserves on loan debts of enterprises by reducing the importance of formal analysis of their financial positions in favour of the analysis of their credit histories.

Keywords: credit risk, economic position, economic stability, real sector


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