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UDC 536.25

© Chindin I. V., 2010

Myth as a World Outlook Basis of the Russian Symbolism (on the Material of the Aesthetics of V. Ivanov)

The Russian symbolism is a borderline phenomenon in the Russian culture. There were the classical soviet art before it and the new soviet art after it. The messianic myth of proletariat became the center of world outlook after the revolution. It became the collective perception, and therefore the myth predominantly. The Russian culture has transformed under social upheavals: the latest mythological perceptions (quazireligious) have came to the top. The latest mythology has been creating. However, not only socialists and materialists have been waiting for its creation. Representatives of high culture from among the Russian idealism speak about creation of the latest myth. The article presents the description of the nature of the latest mythology and coming out to its creation in the interpretation of V. Ivanov.

Keywords: symbolism, mythology of the culture, latest myth-creative activity, most ancient art


1. Belyy A. Kritika. Estetika. Teoriya simvolizma. T. 2. M., 1994.
2. Ivanov Vyach. Lik i lichiny Rossii. M., 1995.
3. Ivanov Vyach. Rodnoe i vselenskoe. M., 1994.

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