Pacific national university Main page Bulletin of Pacific national university

UDC 378.147:027.7

© Lavrinenko L.D., 2010

Role of Libraries in Training Specialists According to the Bologna System of Education

The author considers the reforming of the Russian system of education according to the European model as a possibility to teach students acquire knowledge without assistance and find their niches on the labor market. The article presents the suggestions on adaptation of libraries of institutes of higher education to the Bologna system of education.

Keywords: educational reform, Bologna system, libraries of institutes of higher education, self-study, data ware, adaptation


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2.         Gribov L. O nekotorykh kontseptual`nykh problemakh vvedeniya bakalavriata // Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii. 2007. № 8.
3.         Kudryashova G. YU. Tseli Bolonskogo protsessa i perspektivy vuzovskikh bib-liotek // Nauchnye i tekhn. b-ki. 2007. № 6.

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