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UDC 7.031 (571)

© Lapshina Z.S., 2010

The Dragon Image in Monumental Genre of Early Art of the Amur-river

Primitive art of the lower Amur-river region is represented by different monuments and forms. There are the grounds to mark out in it decorative and applied arts, small plastic arts and ornamental art. The author gives prove for singling out monumental genre in early art of tribes lived along the Amur-river. As an argument for the offered hypothesis the author analyses content and purpose of one of the petrogliphs in Siachi-Alian. In the conclusion the picture is presented as a complete artistic figure of Solar Dragon, which combines solar signs with signs of water and mountain-taiga worlds. A basis for such conclusion is location of boulders with pictures at the intersection of mountain-taiga and water spaces. Social role of artistic figure confirms that petrogliphs relate to monumental genre of early art of the studied territory.

Keywords: genres of primitive art, monumental genre, Sikachi-Аlyan, artistic figure of Dragon, picture of the world


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