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UDC 656

© D. P. Hodoskin, 2012


The paper presents analysis of basic parameters characterizing the motion of the leading and driven car obtained experimentally for a signaled crossing (RSR). As such parameters were the instantaneous speed of these vehicles, the time interval between them, in seconds, and the distance, defined in meters (a sample of these parameters are processed by a computer program «Study of the distribution of random quantities»). Based on the findings a hypothesis about positioning of the inert zone dilemma is proposed. In this paper we study the dependence of the time interval and the distance between two cars on their velocities for the four required distances. The conclusions are made of some regularities in motion of the leading and the driven vehicle when these approach the RCR on the yellow signal.

Keywords: zone dilemma, controlled intersection, the leading car and driven car, time interval, the instantaneous speed, distance.


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