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UDC 621.783:621.9.048

© M. P. Kozochkin, F. S. Sabirov, V. M. Davydov, V. V. Zayev, A. V. Nikitenko, D. D. Yakuba, 2013


State support spindles largely determines the quality of operation of process equipment.However, you must pay attention to the fact that the incipient defects in bearings appear somewhat earlier than at the beginning of manifestation inconsistencies as functioning technological complex. In the spindle poles separate work site has more or less impact on the operation of adjacent bearings. The development of a bearing defect or incorrect installation of the assembly may result in the initiation of defects and other supports. As a result, instead of minor repairs may require the replacement of spindle assembly associated with delays and additional costs.

Keywords: spindle unit, bearing, monitoring, support, kinematic disturbance vibroacoustic diagnostics.


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