Pacific national university Main page Bulletin of Pacific national university

UDC 321.01:23/28-056.87

© Simonenko O. A., 2007

Christian humanism in S.L.Frank political inheritance

S.L. Frank distinguishes two types of policy: the policy, protecting society from evil, but not capable actually to improve it; and an attempt to have an influence upon society in the process of moral re-education. Equality of people and inadmissible despotism are the basic premises of moral-legal faith. Transition from despotism to democracy is not an external event of political history; such transition can be accomplished only by developing moral-philosophic world contemplation and mentality.


  1. Frank S. L. Krushenie kumirov // Frank S. L. Sochineniya. M., 1990.
  2. Krizis kul`tury i sud`by Rossii (2-ya lektsiya professora S. L. Franka) // Ekho. 1928. 25 marta.
  3. Frank S. L. Etika nigilizma // Frank S. L. Sochineniya. M., 1990.
  4. Frank S. L. Filosofskie predposylki despotizma (1907 g.) // Voprosy filosofii. 1992. ¹ 3.
  5. Bubbayer F. S. L. Frank. ZHizn` i tvorchestvo russkogo filosofa. M., 2001.
  6. Frank S. L. Russkoe mirovozzrenie. SPb., 1996. 

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