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UDC 338.439.5 (571.62)

© YO Shin-Tchuan, Tretyakov M. M., 2007

The export capacity evaluation of Taiwan textile industry

The textile industry in Taiwan has been developing for over fifty years. It has broad and strong potential for further growing. Since 1971 the textile has been a basic export product and has substantially promoted the development of Taiwan economic relations. The article deals with the current state of Taiwan textile industry and the evaluation of its export capacity.


  1. Chou W. Taiwan Bank Review. Taipei, 1973.
  2. Chou Wen. Taiwans Textile Industry // Kvartalnyy zhurnal Banka Tayvanya. Vyp. 24. № 1.
  3. Liu T. I. etc. A Report on the Taiwan Economic Research. Taipei, 1990.
  4. Ezhemesyachnaya statistika proizvodstva / M-vo ekon. del KNR.
  5. Statisticheskie dannye po importu i eksportu / Gl. tamozh. upr. KNR.
  6. Chou C. C. Taiwan Bank Review. Taipei, 1975.
  7. Sluzhba kreditnoy informatsii Kitaya: Istoriya tekstilnoy promyshlennosti Tayvanya. 1999.

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