Pacific national university Main page Bulletin of Pacific national university

UDC 32(571.6)

© Blyaher L. E., Shinkovsky M. J., Jarulin I. F., 2005

Politology in the Far East: institution without association

The authors describe the problems of the formation of political scientists communities in Russian regions (Khabarovsk Territory and Primorye as an example). The authors consider the political science to be divided into that of the capital city and many provincial ones. The development of the latter is marked by 4 paradoxes connected with the idea that each given territory presents «a particular area» within Russia. Paradox I: there is a need for political-scientific communication but it has no base. Paradox II: the existence of several approaches to political science («cognitive strategies») within one regional corporation. Paradox III is due to a destined character of the research and its financing: political science «for export», «for domestic use», for higher educational institutions. Paradox IV: political-scientific concepts used, schemes and methods borrowed do not always correspond to Russian realities. The author’s conclusion is that the formation of a regional political science community requires 1) locus for methodological discussion and for political science communication and 2) means and criteria of the communication mentioned. Today, the educational system that can play this role.


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