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UDC 630*431

© Sheshukov M. A., Gromyko S. A., 2008

Influence of the pirogenic factor on forest formation under various zone-geographical conditions in the Far East

Cardinal difference of pyrogenic factor influencing the forming and development of forests growing in various zone-geographical conditions is reviewed. Forestry-ecological features of preventive controllable burning of combustible materials in areas covered and non-covered with forest for the purpose of fire risk decrease are considered.


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  2. Sofronov M. A., Vakurov A. D. Ogon` v lesu. Novosibirsk, 1981.
  3. Melekhov I. S. Priroda lesa i lesnye pozhary. Arkhangel`sk, 1947.
  4. Sheshukov M. A., Gromyko S. A. Negativnye posledstviya vesennikh profilakticheskikh vyzhiganiy goryuchikh materialov // Lesnoe khozyaystvo. 2004. ¹ 2.
  5. Sheshukov M. A., Petukhov G. B., Gromyko S. A. O negativnykh posledstviyakh vesennikh profilakticheskikh vyzhiganiy goryuchikh materialov / Perspektivy i metody povysheniya effektivnosti mnogotselevogo lesopol`zovaniya na Dal`nem Vostoke. Habarovsk, 2004.

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