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UDC 621.31

© Rumanovskiy I. G., 2008

Development of an intellectual system to prognosticate potential failures of mechanical systems at the stage of conceptual design

Such procedures as Failure Mean and Effect Analysis, Fault Tree Analysis, Reliability Block Diagram, Markov Analysis, Neurons Networks, Statistic Clustering Analysis, Planning of Experiment are used to pinpoint potential failures in designing new products. A technique for failure identification with the use of simulation of a functional interplay between components in mechanical systems is described. Experts bases are given that should help use such software as Failure Mean and Effect Analysis, Fault Tree Analysis in a more effective way.


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  3. Collins, J.A., B.T. Hagan, and H.M. Bratt, The failure-experience matrix: A useful design tool. Journal of Engineering for Industry, 1976. August.
  4. Stone, R.B. and K.L. Wood, Development of a Functional Basis for Design. Journal of Mechanical Design, 2000. 122(December).
  5. Hirtz, J., et al., A functional basis for engineering design: reconciling and evolving previous efforts. Research in Engineering Design (accepted for publication), 2001.

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