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UDC 681.327

© Konopelko D. G., 2008

The study of code division multiple access and synchronization in data transmission through coaxial cables

The rapid development in recent years of microprocessor techniques provides a way to use the CDMA technology (code division multiple access) to organize a set of independent logic channels in one physical channel. The technology makes it possible to considerably buildup the reliability of the physical level in data transmission. The organization of code division multiple access and channel synchronization in data transmission industrial systems with the use of a coaxial cable are considered.


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  5. Konopel`ko D. G., CH`e En Un. Issledovanie chastotnykh i energeticheskikh kha-rakteristik koaksial`nykh kabeley na matematicheskikh modelyakh // Materialy XXXXII nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii studentov i aspirantov HGTU. Habarovsk, 2002.

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