Pacific national university Main page Bulletin of Pacific national university

UDC 338.45:69 (571.62)

© Polikarpov S. D., 2009

The Model of Strategic Planning of the Investment-Constructional Activities in the Region

Increasing of construction industry abilities to introduce basic assets is achieved by growth of production basis of construction. As a result of growing demand for construction production the construction organizations might not have enough their own assets for corresponding increase of their production basis. Using the model of strategic planning of the investment-constructional activities allows to determine the necessary amount of additional financing and such growth rates of construction work which make possible to reequip the construction industry owing to internal funds only.

Keywords: investments, investment-constructional activities, modeling, analysis


  1. Makkonnell Kempbell R. Ekonomiks: Printsipy, problemy i politika. Tallin, 1995.

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