Pacific national university Main page Bulletin of Pacific national university

UDC 336 (470.21)

© Yakovlev S. A., 2009

Formation of Indicators of Regional Credit Risks Basing on the Results of Monitoring of Enterprises in the System of the Bank of Russia (by the Example of Murmanskaya Oblast)

At estimation of the general situation describing a level of credit risks and their change in various sectors of regional economy, the use of the comparative analysis by monitoring of enterprises in the system of the Bank of Russia and by the data of the credit portfolio structure of various institutional groups of the credit institutions has great importance. Expansion of methodical approaches to the complex analysis of credit risks using the monitoring results allows realizing at a better level the remote supervision of the credit institutions activities, as well as bank risks management taking into account the regional aspect according to the requirements of the Bank of Russia.

Keywords: credit risk, regional credit market, analysis methods, monitoring, risk indicators

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