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UDC 519.633

© Gladkikh V. A., Kozhevnikova T. V., 2009

One Way of the Development of a Difference Scheme for the Two-Dimensional Parabolic Equation

The initial boundary value problem for the three-dimensional parabolic equation is considered. The difference method is developed with the use of the original variant of the weighted residuals method, approved earlier in a similar problem for the two-dimensional parabolic equation. It is established that generally the scheme fails to approximate the initial problem, but the partitions are described for which elementary updating of the scheme renders it capable of approximation.

Keywords: difference scheme, approximation, numerical simulation, differential equations


  1. Gladkikh V. A., Kozhevnikova T. V., Okulov N. A. Ob odnom sposobe postroeniya raznostnoy skhemy dlya parabolicheskogo uravneniya: preprint VTS DVO RAN. Haba-rovsk, 1996.
  2. Bakanov K. G., Kozhevnikova T. V., Okulov N. A. Chislennoe modelirovanie protsessa rasprostraneniya nekonservativnoy primesi v reke s pritokami: preprint VTS DVO RAN. Habarovsk, 1996.

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