Pacific national university Main page Bulletin of Pacific national university

UDC 004.67

© Ivanov V. E., Levenets A. V., 2009

An Easy Method to Find Harmonic Components in the Noise Signal

The present method is designed to find deviations of statistical parameters for the noise signal produced by the measuring track. This information can be used as an additional sign of classification and compression of such signals. The merit of the method is speed of response. It is also easy to realize at the soft and hardware level.

Keywords: information and measuring systems, compression, identification, harmonic component, noise component


  1. Levenets A. V., Chernyavskiy E. A., CH`e En Un. Otsenki spektra signala metodom vydeleniya skrytykh periodichnostey po peresecheniyam nulya // Izmeritel`naya tekhni-ka. 1996. ¹ 9.
  2. Ivanov V. E., Tsin` Hunu. Perspektivy ispol`zovaniya veyvlet-preobrazovaniya dlya zadach klassifikatsii monoimpul`snykh signalov // Informatsionnye i upravlya-yushchie sistemy: cb. tr. / pod red. V. V. Voronina. Habarovsk, 2008.

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