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UDC 94(9):327(9)

© V. N. Timoshenko, 2011


Collapse of the bipolar world and deterioration of an economic situation of Australia pushed the country to a closer military-political cooperation with countries of the Asia-Pacific region. However, the Asian crisis of 1998 changed a vector of foreign policy of Australia again. A coalition government of J.Howard has gradually returned to traditional reference points in security issues of the country. A union with the USA, as a main guarantor of regional and world stability, has been put in the center of a new policy. Following «Howard Doctrine» which essence was reduced to readiness of Australia to carry out a function of "an American sheriff» in the region, Australia has incurred the right of maintenance of regional security, including carrying out «peacekeeping» operations in the Asia-Pacific region.

Keywords: «Howard Doctrine», «Asian Crisis», peacekeeping operation, East Timor, Bougainville Island.


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  9. Ibid.
  10. Vostochnyi Timor [Electronic Recourse]: Narod. Ru.. URL:


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