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UDC 681.518.5

© S. V. Shalobanov, S. S. Shalobanov, 2011


The work considers the fault location technique for a continuous dynamical system with depth to dynamical block based on matrix of topological constraints with the use of normalized diagnostic signs. This approach simplifies the implementation of the algorithm, especially in the diagnosis of non-linear objects. The use of topological constraints matrix can reduce the hardware or software costs associated with the implementation of trial deviations of model parameters or functions of sensitivity and simplification of the prediction algorithm of diagnostic signs. The results of the implementation of the algorithm showing its effectiveness and ensuring high distinction of the defects are given.

Keywords: object of diagnostic, topological relations matrix, integral transformation, normalized diagnostic sign, defect distinction


  1. Shalobanov S.V., Shalobanov S.S. Sposob poiska neispravnogo bloka v dinamicheskoy sisteme / Polozhitelnoe reshenie ot 12.07.2010 g. o vydache patenta na izobretenie po zayavke № 2009123999/08(033242), MKI 6 G 05B 23/02, 2010.
  2. Shalobanov S.V., Shalobanov S.S. Sposob poiska neispravnogo bloka v nepreryvnoy dinamicheskoy sisteme. Polozhitelnoe reshenie o vydache patenta na izobretenie ot 22.07.2011 po zayavke № 2011100409/08(000540), MKI 6 G 05B 23/02, 2011.
  3. Voronin V.V., Shalobanov S.V., Shalobanov S.S. The search defects algorithm in continuous dynamical systems by vectors of topological relations. "Modern materials and technologies 2011" International Russian-Chinese Symposium PROCEEDINGS, Khabarovsk 24-28 October 2011, p. 359-363.

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