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© N. V. Аbasov, M. Yu. Chernyshov, 2012


The problem bound up with the absence of a technology intended for efficient analysis of software systems is discussed. Described is a software complex developed on the basis of the technology of computational modeling proposed by the authors and intended for solving the problems of automatic analysis of software systems by static analysis of the object software text code without execution of the program. The analysis depth may vary from defining the behavior of separate software operators, separate functions – to analysis of the total initial code. Results of analysis are used for timeoptimal finding the errors in the object program and verification of its correspondence to the specification. A unique technology, which presumes automatic finding out functional relations in software texts and constructing a diversity of their representations, has been implemented. It also presumes the possibilities of changing the graph-structure analyzed and its complementation with additional clusters.

Keywords: reliable computational systems; computational technology for efficient analysis of software; static analysis and modification of the code; relation graphs; technology for automatic constructing relation graphs; method of computational modeling.


  1. Аbasov N. V., Chernyshov M. Yu. Na puti k vychislitelnoy technologii dlya effectivnogo issledovaniya program y programmnykh system, osnovannoy na principakh logico-smyslovogo analyza / N. V. Аbasov, M. Yu. Chernyshov // Informatsionniye Technologii y Vysokoproizvoditelniey Vychislenita. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoy Konferentsiyi (Khabarovsk, 4–6 October 2011). Khabarovsk: Izd-vo TOGU, 2011. P. 3–15.
  2. Chernyshov M. Yu. O realizatsiyi  vychislitelnoy systemy, prednaznatchennoy dlya logoco-smayslovogo analyza program y programmnykh system / M.Yu. Chernyshov, N. V. Аbasov // Informatsionniye Technologii y Vysokoproizvoditelniey Vychisleniya. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoy Konferentsiyi (Khabarovsk, 4–6 October 2011). Khabarovsk: Izd-vo TOGU, 2011. P. 116–124.
  3. Аbasov N. V. Osnovy universalnoy sredy programmirovaniya ZIRUS / N.V.Abasov // Vestnik IrGTU. 2006. № 2(26). P. 62–68.
  4. Аbasov N. V., Mironov V. O. Primeneniye graphov dlya analyza y restructurizatsiyi ishodnikh tekstov programm / N. V. Аbasov, V. O. Mironov // Trudy XIV Vserossiyskoy Baikalskoy conferentsiyi “Informatsionnye y Matematicheskiye Technologii v Nauke y Uprravlenii”. Tom 3. Irkutsk: ISEM SB RAS, 2009. P. 173–178.
  5. Chernyshov M. Yu. Verbalnye Sredstva Vyrazhenia Mysley-Skrepov kak Mediatorov Smyslovoy Integrativnosty Texta / M.Yu. Chernyshov. Moscow. Nauka y Pravo, 2010. 168 p.

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